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Thermometers (Digital)

Thermometers (Digital)

Atom Scientific's range of digital thermometers boasts easy-to-read displays and delivers reliable performance, making them perfect for precise temperature measurements. Hanna's Checktemp range of user-friendly Digital Thermometers ensures convenience and accuracy, ideal for environments that demand rapid and consistent temperature monitoring. 

Why is Atom Scientific's range of Digital Thermometers the best choice?

  • Clear and intuitive screens for quick and accurate temperature readings
  • Consistently delivers precise measurements for dependable monitoring
  • Designed for simplicity and ease of use in various settings
  • Suitable for laboratory, industrial, and healthcare environments
  • Built to withstand rigorous use while maintaining accuracy and functionality

Contact us today to discuss your lab’s needs, set up an account, or learn more about our products and services. We’re here to help you find the perfect chemical partner for your lab.



Digital Indoor Outdoor Thermometer and Hygrometer


Handheld Thermometer with Alarm & Timer
White folding thermometer Checktemp4 high accuracy


Jumbo Digital Max Min Thermometer and Hygrometer (Brannan)


Plastic Wall Thermometer (Brannan)


Thermometer K-type hand-held no probe max temp 1350deg C


Vertical Barrel Test Thermometer (BRANNAN)


0.1C resolution K-type thermocouple thermometer with CAL button and backlit LCD


2-channel, K-type thermocouple thermometer, Range: -50.0 to 199.9C and 200 to 1350C; -58.0 to 399.9F and 400 to 2462F


Checkfridge remote sensor thermometer C, Range: -50.0 to 150.0C
Checktemp Digital Thermometer with Stainless Steel Penetration Probe -50.0 to 150.0deg C
Checktemp Dip Digital Thermometer with Weighted Stainless Steel Probe and 3 m (9.9) Silicone Cable
CHECKTEMP1 Pocket Thermometer with probe and 1m cable


Foodcare K-Type Thermocouple Thermometer supplied with the FC-766C1 Ultra-Fast response penetration probe.


HACCP pocket thermometer C, with 125 mm probe Range: 50.0 to 220C


Key pocket thermometer, 550C with General Purpose Probe


Portable thermistor thermometer with FC762N2 1m stainless steel probe for brewing


Wall-mounting precision thermometer; resolution: 0.1C Range: 50.0 to 150.0C
Atom Scientific Ltd