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HALO Glass Body Refillable pH Electrode With Bluetooth Group Picture

HALO Glass Body Refillable pH Electrode With Bluetooth

Code: HI-11312
  Pack Size List Price Qty  
photo_camera 1 Pack
Pack: 1 Pack


It has a double junction, refillable glass pH electrode, fitted with a built-in temperature sensor for automatic temperature compensation.

Use with the free Hanna Lab App to turn a tablet or mobile phone into a fully functional pH meter with calibration, measurement, datalogging, graphing & data share.

The HI-11312 HALO is a pH and temperature electrode which incorporates a Bluetooth transmitter to wirelessly connect to a tablet or mobile phone or the Hanna Edge-Blu pH meter.


  • No need for a pH meter
  • Free to use Hanna Lap App for iPad
  • Flexible, accurate and easy to use


Hanna Lab App

The first app that turns a tablet or mobile phone into a full-featured pH meter!

The Hanna Lab App turns a tablet or mobile phone into a full-featured pH meter when used with the Hanna HALO pH electrode with Bluetooth smart technology. Functions include calibration, measurement, data logging, graphing and data sharing. Measurement and logging of pH and temperature at one second intervals start as soon as the probe is connected. Measurements can be displayed alone on the display, with tabulated data or as a graph. The graph can be planned and zoomed with the tablet or mobile phone's pinch-to-zoom technology for enhanced viewing.

Connecting a HALO probe to the Hanna Lab App is simple. Tap the Bluetooth icon in the top-right corner to view all available HALO probes then press the button on your HALO probe. The blue halo on the probe will start blinking indicating that it is in discovery mode. Select the newly discovered HALO probe from the list of available probes. If a previously associated probe is detectable when the app is opened, it will connect to that probe automatically.


  • Connects to HALO via Bluetooth 4.0
  • Up to five-point pH calibration with seven standard pH buffers available
  • Calibration reminder
  • pH and temperature updated every second
  • Basic and full GLP
  • Fluid, dynamic graphing
  • Measurement alarms Alerts you if the measurement threshold is exceeded
  • One button sample tagging
  • Data-logging with custom annotations
  • Share data via email in CSV format
  • Help and tutorials


Bluetooth Connection – Wire free data transmission using Bluetooth 4 low power technology. Compatible with the HANNA Edge Blu meter, and also allows transmission of pH and temperature data to your mobile phone or tablet in conjunction with the free HANNA Lab App.

All electrodes and probes have 6 months warranty.

Reference  - double, Ag/AgCl
Junction ceramic
Electrolyte 3.5M KCl
Range 0.00 to 13.00 pH; ±420 mV; -5.0 to 80.0°C
Tip Shape spheric
Outer Diameter (glass) 12mm
Overall Length 195mm
Environment 0.0 to 50.0°C, electronic module is not waterproof
Solution Temperature -5.0 to 80.0°C
Temperature Sensor integrated
Body Material glass
Connection Bluetooth Smart (Bluetooth 4.0), 10m range
Battery Type/Life CR2032 3V lithium ion/approximately 500 hours
Hanna Lab App Specifications -2.000 to 16.000 pH; ±800mV; -20.0 to 120.0°C
Hanna Lab App Specifications Range: -2.000 to 16.000 pH; ±800mV; -20.0 to 120.0°C
Accuracy (@25°C) ±0.005 pH; ±0.3 mV; ±0.5°C
Calibration Points up to five-point calibration with seven standard buffers (1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01, 12.45 pH)
Calibration Points up to five-point calibration with seven standard buffers (1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01, 12.45 pH)
Temperature Compensation automatic from -5.0 to 100.0°C
Compatibility/System Requirements Hanna Lab App works with iPad 3rd generation or newer (including iPad mini) with Bluetooth® 4.0 technology and iOS 7.1 or newer

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Atom Scientific Ltd