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Freeze Drying Ampoules - 0.5 - 2.5ml Group Picture

Freeze Drying Ampoules - 0.5 - 2.5ml

£150.95 to £155.50

Code: Please choose option from drop down above
  Pack Size List Price Qty  
photo_camera 0.5ml x 625 Pack
photo_camera 2.5ml x 250 Pack

Freeze drying ampoules, or lyophilisation ampoules, are glass containers used to preserve biological and pharmaceutical materials by removing moisture through freeze drying. This process ensures long-term stability and extends the shelf life of the contents. Commonly used in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and food industries, they maintain the structural and biological integrity of the products stored within them.


  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Biotechnology
  • Food Industry
  • Research and Development



G225-01: 0.5ml
G225-02: 2.5ml

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Atom Scientific Ltd