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Mounting Media

Mounting Media

Atom Scientific manufactures and a supplies  a range of traditional mounting media for both slides requiring coverslips and samples where an immersion lens is required. 

Coverslipped Required:

DPX Mountant Medium, a synthetic non-aqueous mounting medium for microscopy.

A traditional resin-based slide mountant with xylene solvent. of various viscosities, allows immediate screening of slide and rapid drying,

Available in three viscosities:

Low Viscosity:  Ideal for use in Automatic Coverslippers

Standard Viscosity: Ideal for manual coverslipping

High Viscosity: specially thickened for us in Cytology

We also offer a Pertex® .

Immersion Lens:

A stable, non-drying, non-hardening immersion, safe to use with valuable optics and irreplaceable slide specimens.

All components have undergone extensive toxicity testing and have been found to pose no health hazard.


Pertex Mounting Medium
Atom Scientific Ltd